Quote of the Day| Being Consistent is key.

Hey 👋

Today I thought I’d share what the most important thing to success is and what people seem to forget when trying to be successful.


If your not consistent on whatever your trying to achieve wether it’s a new business or cleaning up your house or whatever it is, you will not become successful because your not putting in the 100 percent effort that you could be putting in to be successful. And you have to remember that success takes time. You have to put in the effort and be consistent and be patient to be successful, once you learn to do all of those three things you will soon slowly start to be more successful. Just remember to be consistent!

I hope this has helped someone to keep them be more consistent on whatever they are trying to achieve.

Love, Emily X

Motivational quote of the day!

Hey 👋

Getting out of your comfort zone is a key to success.

Is there something you’ve been wanting to do but keep putting it off because it includes getting out of your comfort zone in order to do it. Well just do it.

It could be little tasks or big tasks that might include getting out of your comfort zone, and you just need to give it a try.

For example the little tasks might be booking appointments on your own, even when you much rather sit at home and watch your favourite movie.

Or it could be bigger tasks like creating your own business or YouTube channel. Whatever it may be, you won’t get to the place you want to be if you keep postponing it day after day.

I hope this has helped someone.

Love, Emily X

Motivational Thought Of The Day!

Hey 👋

Something motivational that I’ve been thinking today is that the more you sit on the couch and wait for that something good to come around to motivate you to do that goal that you’ve been wanting to do for weeks maybe months or years, the longer your going to get that success or achievement you have been wanting.

For example, if you have been wanting to make a YouTube channel or write your own book, or make your own blogs on WordPress or make an Instagram live but you haven’t done it yet because you keep putting it off because you keep making excuses not to do it, tell yourself today is the day that I am going to kick my goals and finally do it! Here are some reasons that you probably haven’t done your goal yet.

1# your scared of what other people are going to think of you!

Answer: who cares what people think of you, people are most likely not going to judge you as much as you think, and if they do judge you they might judge you for like a couple of minutes and then there going to carry on with there day and do there own thing. And if your worried about your partner or friends and family judging you, who cares what they think either, most likely the ones who love and care about you the most aren’t going to care what your doing anyways and will love you regardless.

2# your scared of failure

Answer: things like making a YouTube channel or starting a business takes a lot of time and dedication. Your only going to fail if you don’t believe in yourself and if you give up. For example a YouTube channel could possibly take up to 3 years before you start earning money or getting views and subscribers but you have to be dedicated and keep making content and work on what works for your business or channel and what doesn’t work. You just can’t give up!

3# your worried that it’s too late.

Answer: if your worried that it’s too late to start a business simply because people have got the same idea as you and they have already done your idea, it’s not too late! Just think that clothing stores aren’t going to just shut down there stores simply because there is another clothing store, or there are too many clothing stores. Each and every clothing store has different clothes in it, so no matter how New or old your clothing business is, if that clothing business is being consistent with bringing new stock that people are enjoying people are going to continue buying clothes from that clothing store. Same with YouTube, if you want to make a YouTube channel about being an entrepreneur and living your best life and there are 100s of other people making the same content, it’s not too late to make a channel about it because people are going to like you for being you and no matter how many other entrepreneurs there are, you can still be successful if you stay consistent and not giving up.

4# you keep making up excuses.

If your making up excuses like, I don’t have time after work, or there are too many people at my house or that your too tired. You have to make time! Wether that is making a video before everyone gets up in the morning or after everyone goes to bed or if you have to go to your local park where it’s more quite, if you truely want to do something you will make time for it.

I hope this has given someone motivation, because it certainly has given me more motivation now.


Emily X

Quote of the day| change your mindset through the power of words.

Hey 👋

Today I thought I’d share a quote that I’ve been thinking about, that helps me be more of a positive person.

Quote of the day:

“Change your mindset through the power of words”, for example telling yourself you HAVE to do something makes you feel like your doing a chore and it makes you in a negative mood. Instead tell yourself I get the opportunity to do something, this makes you feel more grateful and happy about the situation.

I hope this quote has made someone in more of a better mood.


Emily X

Quote of the day| focus on action rather than how.

Hey Bloggers,

Today I thought of a quote that inspired me today, and the quote is,

” Focus on action rather than how”.

This quote inspired me because people including myself is constantly thinking on how to achieve something and not believing in themselves, without really trying and taking action. The more you take action the more you will be able to achieve in life. There is no point sitting in the couch thinking on how I’m going to do something and getting all worried and stressed on how your going to complete something especially long term goals. Just take action and the more you take action the more closer you are going to get to your goals and stop that procrastination!

Yes there will be times that you will get set backs and there will be times where you feel like you are failing, but those are the things that makes you stronger as a person to do more and achieve more, it’s all about the journey.

Anyways I hope this quote has inspired you as much as it has inspired me today. I hope you all are having a lovely day ✌🏻

Love, Emily X

Quote to think about for today.

Hey Bloggers,

Today I thought I’d share with you something that is good to think about when your stuck in a rut or your thinking negative because where you are currently is not where you want to be and your just wishing for that dream job or dream house in your head but you don’t have it now and you feel frustrated. Well if you feel like that think about this,

“What if everything your going through now is preparing you for who you want to be”.

It’s true, think that what your going through now is just the journey of what your going to become in the future.

I hope this has helped someone in some way.

Love, Emily X

Mindful quote of the day

Hey Bloggers, I thought I’d share a positive quote for you today.

~There is enough for everyone~

Meaning: don’t be jealous of people that have what you want, instead be happy because it’s the universe telling you that it is possible. And we all have our own unique path.

I hope this piece of mindfulness has helped someone today.

Love Emily X

February to do list

Hey Bloggers,

Today I thought I’d share what’s on my February to do list and goal setting.

My mini goals for feb:

Keep continuing my wordpress

Maybe start a YouTube channel

Keep eating healthy

Stick to bullet journaling

Exercise 3 times a week

Maintaining a tidy home

Maybe start a new job

Start reading a book, and complete a book this month.

My to do list:

Going to an Eminem concert

Spending more time with family and friends,

They are my plans for February, feel free to comment what your plans are for February.

Love Emily X

Goal setting| how to achieve your goals

Hey Bloggers,

Here is a blog on how to actually achieve your goals or to help you stay motivated and productive.

Step 1# Write your goals down. The most important thing Is to write your goals down so you don’t forget them.

Step 2# Write your goals in categories. So it might be a career goal/ financial goal, hobbies goal, fitness goal, and a house cleaning/ organisation goal.

3# Write your goals under the categories and then create a plan under these goals on ways that are going to help you achieve those goals. For example: under the finance category your goal might be saving 10,000 dollars this year, and then your plan might be putting 200 dollars in your savings each week to achieve that goal. You might even make a plan or a side hustle to help you earn more money to achieve that 10,000 dollar goal.

4# put your goals into action plan:

So every day in your journal write a to do list, and in your day try to do something that will make you closer to achieving your goal. Wether you write down making a healthy breakfast to go towards your fitness goal or going to the gym. Whatever it may be try and put at least one action plan on your to do list that will help you achieve at least one of your goals or more daily.

I hope someone has enjoyed this blog. Feel free to comment on how you are going with your 2019 goals and what your goal plan is.

Love Emily X

Inspirational thought to think today.

Hey Bloggers, how is everyone? In Australia it’s super hot, 40 degrees celsius.

But I thought I’d share with you an inspirational thought I try think about daily.

The thought is: If you truely want it you will find away to achieve it.

So many times I think to myself, I would like to eat healthy but I’m in a hurry and I choose to have something to eat that’s quick and unhealthy. Or I would like to exercise at home in the mornings but there are people I live with that a morning people and i don’t want them to see me working out. Or I want to start a new hobby or a new business but I’m scared what people are going the think, and I don’t want people to drag me down.

But if you want something so bad! You will stop making excuses and you will find a away, even if that means working super hard or starting a side hustle so you can earn enough money to purchase something you’ve been wanting for a long time. And stop thinking what other people are going to think of you, because if they have the time of the day to drag you down, well they need to do something with there own lives, because that negativity just shows what time of person that they really are, and you shouldn’t let it get you down.

Start now, on working hard to achieve those dreams that you’ve been procrastinating for the last months or years. Because you only get one shot to live your life so do what makes you happy!

I hope this has helped someone,

Love Emily X